Archive of ‘Parenting’ category

Coming Soon: Innovative Conception Aid for Couples Struggling with Infertility #TheStorkIsComing

Having gone through infertility and ultimately conceiving through IVF (in vitro fertilization), I’m thrilled to bring this exciting news to Canadian couples. Are you ready for the NEW, over-the-counter conception aid? The Stork is coming to Canada this summer. Available exclusively at your local Rexall Pharmacy.  Sign up for special offers and to be notified […] Read more…

Tips for Starting Your Kids on Instagram

With a mom addicted to (working in) social media and growing up in a new social world, it was only a matter of time before the kids wanted to have an account on one of the social networks. We will all reach this point.  It’s now just part of parenting in a digital world.  The […] Read more…

Fertility Facts: Knowledge is Power

How much do you know about your own fertility?  Did you know that we were the 1 in 6 couples who face infertility? Did you know that the average cost for IVF is $8K-$14K? Did you know that provincial governments are beginning to recognize infertility as a medical issue and offering funding? Did you know […] Read more…

Dear Special Needs Mom in the Mall

Dear Special Needs Mom in the Mall, I hope you don’t think that I was staring at your son because I thought he looked different. I hope you don’t think that I starting talking to him to be rude or unkind. I hope you don’t think that the way I smiled at him was odd […] Read more…

Would you lose hope?

I know when Paul and I found out about our struggles to have a baby, luckily (also not so luckily), we only had a year to wait and that same year to figure out how in the world we were going to pay for this.  Where were we going to find $10,000 to try one […] Read more…

Carrying Precious Cargo

I was about 30 weeks pregnant with my twin boys and my parents had just found the house of their dreams in Fenelon Falls.  I was huge and exhausted and the car was NOT the most comfortable place for me, but I was desperate to follow the whole family on the drive to what was […] Read more…

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