Archive of ‘Parenting’ category

The difference between a lie and storytelling

Last year, we went through a horrible time when Jayden was telling elaborate stories at school.We had just gone to the Ripley’s Aquarium for Ty’s birthday and bought Jayden an adorable stuffed stingray named “Ray” (cute, huh?). Against my better judgment, I decided to let him take “Ray” to school the next day to show […] Read more…

Ice Cream with Racism on Top

In this morning’s breakfast discussion I learned that a boy who had been expelled from school last year told my boys ‘I hate black people and I love white people‘ as they walked to get ice cream at our local DQ. Huh? Why had he chosen to call out the colour of their skin? Have […] Read more…

My Birthday Lessons this Year

Tomorrow I turn another year older, but am I really another year wiser?   Our year has certainly had its ups and downs, but I almost feel like this year, I’ve changed and grown far more than I did when I turned 40. In so many ways, I learned a lot about myself this year, […] Read more…

This Week’s Sex Question from my Tween Son

I’m really fortunate to have a very special and close relationship with my tween son, Ty. At 11 years old, he and I are totally similar in some of the best ways and even some of the ways I wish I could shield him from (my ability to worry all the time). Our late night […] Read more…

Making Science Fun for Kids

It’s been tough year with Jayden at school as he’s being really challenged to do his best and focus in the classroom. This means that I try everything I can to make learning fun when it comes to homework time. This year, I’ve studied for several grade two science tests with Jayden. I can very […] Read more…

Would you have told his mom?

I had to make a judgement call today. It was one of those moments as a parent, when you have to decide whether what is right is more important than the bond of secrecy between you and your child. Today I told another mom about the sexual innuendo and language that her 11 year old […] Read more…

What makes the WWE Live Events so Family-Friendly?

We love to try new experiences with the boys and we have been really fortunate to take them to some pretty awesome events and shows over the last few years. With a crazy busy schedule, we really make family-time and opportunities to make family memories, a top priority.  So I was hesitant when I was […] Read more…

Celebrating Families in Ontario

This weekend is Family Day in Ontario and like many other families, we will be spending the day having fun and making memories together. Since only six provinces celebrate this day set aside for families, we feel very blessed to live in one of them.  You know what else makes Ontario amazing?    Celebrating diverse cultures, […] Read more…

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