Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

Fertility Facts: Knowledge is Power

How much do you know about your own fertility?  Did you know that we were the 1 in 6 couples who face infertility? Did you know that the average cost for IVF is $8K-$14K? Did you know that provincial governments are beginning to recognize infertility as a medical issue and offering funding? Did you know […] Read more…

Would you lose hope?

I know when Paul and I found out about our struggles to have a baby, luckily (also not so luckily), we only had a year to wait and that same year to figure out how in the world we were going to pay for this.  Where were we going to find $10,000 to try one […] Read more…

The first Canadian IVF baby has his own family

Last night I was watching the news and with tears in my eyes, I saw the amazing story of how the first “test tube” IVF baby in Canada, is now a father.With Family Day approaching, it made me realize the incredible impact on the lives of so many families, including mine, who would not have […] Read more…

Going through infertility- Money CAN buy happiness

Growing up, I never imagined that it could happen to me.  When I got married, we never imagined it could happen to us.Infertility is not something you plan for.  It’s not something you discuss in those early years of marriage.  Maybe you talk about the number of kids you’re going to have, what you might […] Read more…

To the men still hoping to be Dads

When I told him he was going to be a Daddy, this was his look…shock, terror and excitement all rolled into one!  It’s not like this was a HUGE surprise, I mean, we had gone through months of infertility appointment and IVF.   No matter what led up to that moment, he still had the reaction […] Read more…

New Season brings new hope for IVF Families

Spring is coming (soon I hope) and Easter has just passed.  It’s the time of year to feel renewed, reborn and even the season for new babies! As the winter clothes come off and we no longer need to bundle under heavy coats, it becomes clear that those women who had hoped to become pregnant, […] Read more…

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