December 2010 archive

Hey, Hey, Hey….goodbye!

Yes, that’s right….no need for the FABULOUS PTPA Winner…Pacifier be Gone, we got rid of Jayden’s soosoo (soother, paci, whatever you call it!)…cold turkey!!! Here’s how it went down over Christmas…Jayden had been sick for so long and really couldn’t breathe well or suck his soosoo with the fullest enjoyment- it was really quite funny […] Read more…

How I almost lost the Christmas Spirit!

Contrary to what many people who know me think;I have bad mommy moments.I get very tired.I get stressed and frustrated pacing the floor with Zack all night.I really do get sad and depressed…I’m not supermom. I’ll admit that I had high hopes for the holidays. I was so excited to have our oldest son home […] Read more…

Please give to SickKids this holiday season…here’s why.

Thank you for letting me tell our story of how your support can make a difference to families like ours. I’m a very proud (and exhausted) wife and mommy to 3 amazing boys…Ty is 7 and Jayden and Zack are 3 years old. Our Zackie was born with a genetic disorder causing many serious health […] Read more…