Hey, Hey, Hey….goodbye!

Yes, that’s right….no need for the FABULOUS PTPA Winner…Pacifier be Gone, we got rid of Jayden’s soosoo (soother, paci, whatever you call it!)…cold turkey!!!

Here’s how it went down over Christmas…

Jayden had been sick for so long and really couldn’t breathe well or suck his soosoo with the fullest enjoyment- it was really quite funny to see him try to fall asleep with this big thing in his mouth and a very stuffy nose! I also have to admit that we had been very lenient with the soosoo rules, firstly because Jayden had been so sick and miserable and secondly because he is our son with whom we have our share of battles…so we choose wisely. In fact Blue SooSoo had become a bit of a 6th family member over the last few weeks and it was getting frustrating!

Christmas dinner was spent at my sister’s house and the discussion started about soothers and thumbs and when/how to stop these habits, impact on their teeth, etc. As I excused myself to go wash some dishes (and avoid the topic), I got determined to get rid of this soosoo for good!

The next day, Jayden was at my heels in the kitchen begging for his soosoo…it was not naptime, he was feeling better and I was in one of those moods…”No, it is not soosoo time. If you ask again, I will have to put it in the garbage“.

My innovative son, didn’t ask again…but he did get a kitchen chair and shimmy on the counter to get the soosoo that was being washed in the sink. That was it….Good bye SooSoo!

Sorry, Jayden, but I told you if you took it again, it would have to be thrown out.” and off it went into the garbage. With a only a few tears, that was the last we saw of the blue soosoo.

When he did ask for it again later before bed, I reminded him that the garbage had been taken out and that the garbage man had taken it already (slight white lie). No tears, no complaints, nothing…..I was waiting for a fight, breakdown or even a punch…but nothing.

Paul and I looked at each other in total shock. Was this really the end? Did we get rid of the soosoo this easily?

Yes…we did! I’m please to report that 3 days later and only a few mentions (with no tears), our 6th family member has left (well, it’s still hidden in the cupboard in case of emergency).

Raise your glass and celebrate to a soother-free New Year and a HUGE accomplishment for our son. We are amazed and proud at how well he did and he got several little treats for being such a big boy!

Now….if only I could throw out Ty’s thumb…we’d really have something to celebrate!!!

Have these types of milestones ever been easier than you thought they would be? Share your stories!

3 Comments on Hey, Hey, Hey….goodbye!

  1. Lee
    January 3, 2011 at 2:13 am (13 years ago)

    Great job! I find your posts very inspiring…..motivating me to stop my almost three year old’s nightly baba (bottle) of milk…….wish me luck.

  2. Jennifer Gilbert
    January 3, 2011 at 4:34 am (13 years ago)

    We did something similar with our daughter when she was 2.5.

    Now you have even more reason to praise him as a big boy! 🙂

  3. Cheryl
    January 4, 2011 at 11:48 am (13 years ago)

    Yes. I had been putting off potty training my now 3 year old. When I finally bit down and did it one month after his birthday, it was a complete breeze. A few protests at first but that was it. I can count on one hand the number of accidents he’s had!

    I also have a thumbsucker (he’s only 6 months so it hasn’t become an issue yet)and I wonder every day what I am going to do because I can’t take it away.


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