What’s Your Bliss?

I have to confess, that I am slightly addicted to Twitter…its not to find out the latest gossip, follow Justin Bieber or even to push business. My true obsession comes from the amazing women that I have “met” on twitter and through their blogs over the last few months in this amazing Social Media role. I am truly interested in what these women have to say, how their days are going and what new ideas they have.

Everyday, I follow and read the inspiring, witty thoughts of some of the leading women in their fields. While some make me think about what I might be able to do better as a parent, others motivate me to get off the couch or even mix a new cocktail. They all make me very proud to be a woman able to do her best to juggle the craziness of our personal and professional lives.

When I begin to follow a person on twitter, I do take a look into their blog and their lives to see how I might be connected to them and find a common ground. So often I find a woman who just went back to work, like me! Or a woman who has a child with special needs, like me! Or even a woman who loves wine, like me! I feel like I have come into their homes and they have shared a bit of what life is like in their shoes.

I started blogging almost a year ago when I got horrible medical news about my son. I felt like screaming…but instead I choose a much quieter approach and began to write about my journey with my son. I have to admit that I don’t sit down to write as much as I’d like, but when I do it seems as though a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, just by making my emotions known. When someone reaches out and takes the time to read my story and then comment, I can’t tell you how much I feel validated and appreciated- pure bliss.

The opportunity to meet the other women who share my passion for writing at Blissdom is something I have been so excited about! I can’t wait to share a cocktail with some of my “friends” from Twitter. These women and I share our days reading and engaging each other and while we have never met…I feel as though we have known each other for years. The only problem will be NOT staring at their name tags in order to figure out where these friends are. So, I’m off to pack my bag, bring my killer boots, pack a bottle of wine to share in a friend’s room and create a list of the women who inspire and entertain me everyday! Hope to see you there…come find me!!

Are you going to Blissdom? Do you write a Blog? What do you write and why?

1 Comment on What’s Your Bliss?

  1. Anonymous
    November 26, 2010 at 7:50 pm (13 years ago)

    Looks like your site made it on some black hatter’s list of targets, better increase security.
    I don’t I’ll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
    Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I’m really not a very technical person.
    This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

    I used to watch TV, then I bought a modem.


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