Looking like a great summer of outdoor fun!

Signs of Spring are everywhere and we have been enjoying some amazing outdoor weather! But when you have a child with special needs, outdoor fun requires some thought and organization to ensure safety and fun for all abilities. This year required planning as far back as February’s mild day…how was I going to do ‘outside’ THIS year… with Zack bum-scooting (he will not sit still) and Ty and Jayden loving to hang out on our street with all of their friends and ride bikes??? How was I not only going to have all three boys (and me) enjoy the warm weather and trips to the park, but also how could I spend equal time with my kids?

One solution is bubbles…the International Language of Outdoor Fun! Zack also loves bubbles… and I see that all of my neighbourhood kids do too! I bring all our bubble gear and the kids start to line up to take turns. My only stipulation is that they blow the cool bubbles to my Zackie so that he can laugh and try to catch them! Find great stuff online like; fun bubble recipes to make with your kids.

We also have a small ride-on car for outside on the sidewalk (a second to the one Zack loves to ride indoors). With his helmet on, he can go up and down the sidewalk chasing the kids as they run back and forth making him laugh. While he can’t walk or run with the kids, he feels totally included using a toy that gives him the freedom to be mobile. The same equipment that your child knows and loves inside, can be bought second hand to keep outdoors (or given to you by loving friends and neighbours :-)) 

But what about the park? Not only do you get to participate in an outdoor Mommy’s Group… your children get to run, get dirty and try new daring acts on the jungle gym! With three boys at very different stages of development (now age 6, 2.5 and 2.5 with special needs), last year’s visits to the park were very stressful. Zack loved the swing, while the other boys loved the climbing equipment. Zack hates the feel of sand, while my other boys dig to China. By the end of the summer, I had created some ‘Park Logistics’ that worked. Zack would play on a blanket with tons of toys (he wasn’t mobile last summer), while I took turns chasing and hiding with my other boys. This Spring, we load up the stroller or wagon with tons of gear for everyone! I cart my Zackie’s favorite ride-on giraffe so that he too can move around the park and have fun too! It is only a rocker, so he can’t get away easily!

We have also come to appreciate our local Fully Wheelchair Accessible Park in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Crosby Park is one of many accessible parks with ramps and railings that allow every child to enjoy their right to fun on outdoor equipment. Waterparks with attention to sensory issues, raised sand tables that accommodate wheelchairs, cushioned surface to add safety and swings with full back seats are only a few of this park’s wonderful facilities. All the boys love to go there- in fact, we call it OUR park, as we don’t see our neighbours there but meet tons of new families to play with. I have run into the most amazing moms there who also find it very difficult to find a place where their typical developing and special needs children can both have a blast. This week, our entire family took a trip to OUR park. While Paul chased Ty and Jayden, I did some fun physio with Zack (only he didn’t know it!). He held the railings and stood unassisted on the ramp. I encouraged him to hold my one hand and move along the railing. As the tears came to my eyes, seeing my little fighter so proud of himself, I grabbed my camera to capture the sign of what I know will be an amazing summer to come for this mommy, daddy and their three incredible boys!

5 Comments on Looking like a great summer of outdoor fun!

  1. Deb Manni
    April 9, 2010 at 5:24 am (14 years ago)

    Great story Heather! Thanks for sharing. I will be passing this information about the park on to my families. I know it is a common problem for families. I might even visit the park with my class! Awesome. Way to go town of Richmond Hill for providing a park like this.

  2. Sherry C
    April 9, 2010 at 1:08 pm (14 years ago)

    Heather we go to that park too. Zach looks great in that photo, and he moved along the rail how amazing is that. Way to go Zach!

  3. Nikki
    April 9, 2010 at 3:10 pm (14 years ago)

    Another wonderful blog!!! That is a great park, I’m sure we will see you there this summer!! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your little fighter and his amazing brothers!!

  4. Shirley
    April 12, 2010 at 11:23 am (14 years ago)

    We loved that the park has shade. We spent time there last summer when Alain was learning to walk and it’s a great motivator. His older brother loved it too for its unique play elements and the froggy pond splash pad. Great work Zack!

  5. Tanya
    April 22, 2010 at 1:24 am (14 years ago)

    Heather, you are such an inspirations. Love that amaking picture of Zack, way to go!!!


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