Preparing for the Big F.U (“Follow Up”) with your Pediatrician

I adore our Pediatrician.  After a stay in the hospital last year, I met this amazing doctor when he asked ME how I felt Zack was doing and if he was ready to be discharged.  He didn’t ask because he was unsure, but because he actually cared about how I felt regarding my comfort level in taking Zack home.  I loved the rapport I had with this man and he truly respected me.  He joked that I should be granted first year residency status as I joked that I already had my “PhZ” (doctorate of Zack!).  I knew immediately that he had to be on our team!  Like any good Warrior Mommy, I made the calls, showed up at his door and didn’t take “no new patients” as an answer! I adore him not only for the expertise that he can offer us (his background in neurology), but also for his undeniable respect for my role as mother, nurse and advocate for my son. 

Yesterday’s follow up visit was much the same, we walked in with our lists in hand and we go over Zack from “top to bottom”.  He commented again on how lucky Zack was to have me as his cheerleader and on how well he is doing because of our unwaivering love and support.  To me…this is golden…and hearing this from people who know my wonderful son and who are on our team of amazing people gives me the added motivation to get through even the toughest days.

Preparing for the meeting took lots of time and research.  Here are some of my tips to help you get the answers you need and keep you organized during any doctor’s visit;

  1. come prepared with a summary of your child’s health issues (top to bottom is the easiest way to address a complex child)
  2. bring any new medical letters or results just in case copies were not sent to your pediatrician
  3. bring a list of all of your child’s current medications and doses for his/her file (my doctor was THRILLED I had done this)
  4. make a note if you are needing any prescription refills
  5. speak to other parents, your therapists, and case managers to see if they have other therapies or professionals that you might need to add to your team of Miracle Workers- get the phone numbers, contact names and fax if possible and ask for the referrals during your appointment
  6. Give yourself 3 goals to accomplish by the end of the appointment
  7. Get copies of any tests or specialist letters before you leave
  8. Get updated weights, heights, head circumference or update other charts for your files

We sat in his office for an hour going over the complexities of our little boy and all the new medical information we have gained over the last several months.  We never felt rushed, but instead, we were praised, encouraged and our son was celebrated for his accomplishments. Our challenges ahead are stressful and scary and while hearing these details are what we need to do to be sure we get our son the best medical care possible, we took the time to review the amazing new things our son is doing that don’t fit on any charts- he’s blowing kisses, can find his head and nose and scootches around behind me to lift my shirt and tickle my back as he has seen his brothers do.  He laughs out loud at his silly daddy and bites his brother’s toes.  He rides his car around our house seeing what mischief he can get into and he plays a mean drum!  He knows the sign for “more” and the new sign we created for “mommy”.  He is our little champion and our precious son and without an official diagnosis, we continue to live day by day waiting for more surprises about our son’s health but celebrating each small moment of his life.

3 Comments on Preparing for the Big F.U (“Follow Up”) with your Pediatrician

  1. Debora
    February 21, 2010 at 3:28 am (14 years ago)

    Your dr. is right. You are an amazing cheerleader for Zack and he is VERY lucky to have you. My only advise is to take time for some parent relief. You are no good to him if you get burnt out. My mom waited until my brother was 16 and that is too long. You don’t have to go to agencies – use you family and friends. I know I am not a close friend but I would love to help if you ever need a baby sitter. Only because I have a class full of “Zacks” that I LOVE working with. You are AWESOME!

  2. TJZMommy, PhZ
    February 27, 2010 at 3:39 am (14 years ago)

    Thanks Deb! I am learning to take some time for myself and writing this blog is my new escape!

  3. Phyllis Berkowitz
    April 7, 2010 at 11:03 pm (14 years ago)

    I have been keeping up with your blog for quite a time now. You’re on my favourites……as you and your family are my favourites. We’re all so lucky to have you in our lives. xoxoxo



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