To Jayden, now that you are six

To Jayden, now that you are six, 

I’ve spent the last week looking through the most amazing photos and I am so overwhelmed with how quickly the last 6 years have just flown by.  You have changed so much in many ways, but when I looked back, I could also see all the beautiful traits you have now, but in a smaller body.

This past year was such a big one for you. You have grown into a great reader and we have seen you start to love school (I know that you will totally rock, Grade 1). You learned the F word from a neighbour (and used it once), you made a YouTube video about drawing a pig, you took ‘abentures’ (adventures) through the summer and challenged yourself to try new amazing things. You went from spending a few days a week with mommy last year, to going to school full time in Grade One. You fell in love with fishing at the lake and you can’t wait to start hockey. You helped convert Zackie’s room into a room you call your own, but still managed to keep a few Elmos to remind you that Zack is ALWAYS there with you.  Mostly, we have seen you mature into the big boy we adore. 

Your silliness continues to bring laughter to our house and our hearts.  When you were little, you would find funny ways to play with your Mr. Potato Head, wear underwear on your head or even make “creepy eyes”.  Now, you rock out on the “stage” to Justin Bieber- all decked out in your high tops, leather jacket and headset.  You make up Australian and Jamaican accents when we are taking the train ride at Wonderland, you put on crazy costumes and you never put on matching pajamas.  We are so grateful for your sense of humour.


You are an amazing brother to Ty. I actually think that this is the year that Ty realizes just how awesome it would be to be close to you. I’m starting to see your relationship evolve from one where you look at him with adoration, to a one with a mutual appreciation for each other. You and Ty have become great friends and companions- even choosing each other to play with at recess. You never say ‘no’ to going to the dark, scary basement with Ty and you always say ‘yes’ to impromptu sleepovers together. You pour a glass of water for Ty too, even when he might not do the same and you even share your treats with him! When Ty loses his iPod, you offer to give yours up too, so he won’t be sad.  You love to show Ty that you are becoming a great reader- and you know how proud Ty is of you when you can read from a chapter book!  Thank you for being a great little brother to Ty Ty.

Your empathetic nature continues to blossom.  You were always a special brother to Zack, even when you were a baby, you almost sensed that you needed to be “easy” so that Zack could get our much needed attention.  As you grew up, you started to care for your brother, let him bite your toes and steal your toys.  You wiped his mouth when he was messy and even helped do G-tube feeds.  You made sure he was always safe and you chased him down the street when he was on his red car.  Now, I can see that you have taken that caring nature and share it with everyone you know.  If someone is upset, you are the first to find a way to make them feel better.  When a friend at school wants the book that you wanted to take out of the library, you let them have it.  You loved Zackie madly and now you miss him dearly- you talk about him so much.  It broke my heart that you talked about your brother at school and the kids laughed, thinking that you were joking, when you said that he had died. I wish I could take that sadness away.  So many times, your eyes well up with tears missing your twin- but I promise to always help you remember him, I will keep him in our lives and remind you about the beautiful ways in which he helped you be the boy you are and the man you will become. We are so proud of you for being a loving brother and special friend.

Your active and outgoing traits are infectious.  You never want to just sit and watch t.v., you always want to be outside!  You and I love to explore and find new “secret parks” that were just for the two of us.  You made us so proud, when you were the youngest to ride a two-wheeler and you inspired the older kids on the street to take off their training wheels!  You also love all sports!  You are the happiest with a basketball, hockey stick or your bike.  You try it all and even if you aren’t the best, you never give up.  From roller blading to your new skateboard, you are a daredevil.  Performing “handsfree” tricks on your bike might give me a heart attack, but I love to watch you move around the world and never slow down! We love your enthusiasm for adventure!

You are beautiful, just as you are. You always were. You made me laugh the other night when you wondered who was the ‘chubby white baby’ in those old photos.  It was you!!! We have to admit you were a little pale in those early months- but you grew into the beautiful brown skin that was meant just for you– from mommy and daddy.  I know that having your ‘angel’s kiss’ and scar has been hard sometimes and people were rude. But with your amazing attitude, you always simply explained what it was and moved on. You accepted all parts of you- an incredible confidence that I admire. Now that you are six, you love all kinds of funky boots, flat “rapper” style caps, leather jackets and you have a wickedly cool style. Your cuteness is turning into a bit of a ‘swagger’, and while I know you will still marry ME when you grow up, I’m a bit worried about all those girls in your future. We love how totally cool you are. 

Jayden, on this day and for every day, know how much you are loved.  Have a fun party, feel special and know that this day is for you.

For all these reasons and about a million more, we love you and we are so proud of who you are….Happy Birthday, my JayJay. xo MOMMY

1 Comment on To Jayden, now that you are six

  1. Unknown
    September 21, 2013 at 1:10 pm (11 years ago)

    Happy Birthday Jaydeypoo! I adore you more than words can say and love your fun, adventurous spirit! You always want to learn more, do more and laugh more. Love you XO
    Auntie Kath


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