Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

We are so honoured to announce that we are walking as Zack’s Dream Team at Wyatt’s Warriors Walk on September 26th! We never met Wyatt at Sick Kids, but he was known to us during and after our stay on the Cardiac floor. While Wyatt didn’t make it to his 3rd Birthday, we want to […] Read more…

‘Twas the Night Before Grade Two

‘Twas the night before Grade Two and all through the room, not a Hamilton was stirring, not even my Groom. The summer is over the news hard to take, we’ve put away the pool and bought a new rake. The lunch has been packed with brown bread and lean meat, with carrots the rule if […] Read more…

Rantings of a very tired mommy…

Oh what a night…no, I’m not singing the score from Jersey Boys…instead I had another crazy long night with Zackie! Zack has been up since 12:30am and it’s now 5:22am! In between replaying Elmo on the pvr, picking up his thrown soother, giving him a ventolin mask and pacing the floor with him…I have found […] Read more…

A little time for me…

My life is filled with therapy appointments, Gtube feeds, medications, doctor’s appointments, interrupted sleep, hearing aid chasing and asthma masks. While I adore and admire my Zackie (my almost 3 year old beautiful son with special needs), it is certainly exhausting work everyday to care for him, in addition to our two other boys. Sometimes […] Read more…

Am I crazy….are we really getting a dog????

Before you answer this question…yes, I am probably crazy, but I also know the benefits of bringing a dog into our family. 1. it will be a female puppy…and I need some estrogen around here! 2. it will teach our boys responsibility (well, in a few years) 3. Zack really loves animals and I think […] Read more…

Taking our show on the road…

Now that the summer is upon us, so is Family Vacation Time!When you have a child with special needs or medical needs the task becomes overwhelming…but it can be done! Here are some tips that I’ve learned along the way… Makes lists! Keeping organized is the key to packing for any vacation and it is […] Read more…

PTPA Latest Winners!

They’re here….the newest winners of the Parent Test Parent Approved Seal of Approval! I had a blast testing some of these products. In fact, I fell in love…. The Shark Light and Easy Steam Mop is the answer to my prayers. If I were to have created a profile on, I would have asked […] Read more…

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