Feeling like ME again…..

It’s happening….I’m starting to feel and look like ME again.  That’s the cool part of how I’m feeling- I really don’t feel pressure to be anyone else or look like Kim Kardashian- instead, I just want to be a me where my head and my body seem to “fit”.  I’ve been feeling so detached from my own body and that’s such an uncomfortable place to be in.

Last week, I went shopping at Target for the first time, and bought a bathing suit for our upcoming trip to Jamaica.  When I got home to try it on, I looked in the mirror and I was so proud of myself (Paul was pretty excited about my new bathing suit too!).  So proud that when I turn 40 in a few weeks, I won’t be finding reasons NOT to be in our holiday photos.

I’m happy to report that as of today, I have officially lost 20lbs!!!!  A huge accomplishment and I’m so damn proud of how hard I have worked.  It is sooo not easy to cut down on the stuff you love, eat smaller portions and eat better food- but I’m doing it with Weight Watchers.  I’ve learned so much in the last three months about how my body responds to food and what I need to eat or not eat to lose weight.  I know that my heart and my head had to be really ready in order to be successful this time- I needed to be at this point in grieving, so that I could put my health first and still feel like I was honouring Zackie.  I hope that with the warmer weather, I can get outside and exercise to continue my journey towards my ultimate goal!  To be honest, I’m in no rush.  We all know that it took me years to the put the weight on and could take me the rest of this year to reach my goal- and I’m totally cool with that. 

Back in January, I made a pledge to myself, to the boys and to my hubby that I would focus on losing weight and getting our family healthier.  I’m trying to get the entire family to eat better and moving more.  The boys do find it hard to cut out the treats, and we’ve had some food battles lately, but we are really working on this together.  The best news is that Paul is now joining me in this journey and I’m so proud of how great he’s done so far (men!)! 

Today I took a new close up shot of just me and posted it on Facebook.  It was the first time in a long time that I didn’t critique the chin(s), puffiness in my face and I just saw ME- my smile and my eyes- the me that I’ve been working really hard to find. 

7 Comments on Feeling like ME again…..

  1. Lisa
    March 23, 2013 at 9:26 pm (11 years ago)

    I’m always proud of you, for everything you do. This is yet another huge accomplishment. You’re beautiful.

  2. Deborah Coombs
    March 23, 2013 at 10:47 pm (11 years ago)

    You look fabulous! And, more importantly it sounds like you feel fabulous! Great work my friend.

  3. Paula Schuck
    March 24, 2013 at 12:49 am (11 years ago)

    Amazing! Great picture and congrats! That is fabulous and very hard to do.

  4. Sandra Arsenault
    March 24, 2013 at 7:35 am (11 years ago)

    Heather??? Amazing, simply amazing. I have noticed over all these years, despite all the challenges (and what seem to be) barriers, once you set your mind to it there is no stopping you. Not only are Paul, Ty, Jayden, your parents and extended family proud of you, I bet Zack is the most proudest of ALL; he knows you are not only a super Mom, he knows you are a super individual. I bet him and your Grandfather, actually, are doing a “Go Heather/Mommy dance” over ALL your successes!!!

    Congrats Sis!!! You look Maaaaarvelous.

    P.S. I don’t get to read much of your stories, but sure glad I got the chance to read this one!!! And I’m proud of you too!!!!!

  5. Sandra Arsenault
    March 24, 2013 at 7:36 am (11 years ago)

    Heather??? Amazing, simply amazing. I have noticed over all these years, despite all the challenges (and what seem to be) barriers, once you set your mind to it there is no stopping you. Not only are Paul, Ty, Jayden, your parents and extended family proud of you, I bet Zack is the most proudest of ALL; he knows you are not only a super Mom, he knows you are a super individual. I bet him and your Grandfather, actually, are doing a “Go Heather/Mommy dance” over ALL your successes!!!

    Congrats Sis!!! You look Maaaaarvelous.

    P.S. I don’t get to read much of your stories, but sure glad I got the chance to read this one!!! And I’m proud of you too!!!!!


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