Happy 9th Birthday Ty!

To Ty,

I can’t believe that I have a 9 year old son!

I can’t believe that I have a gorgeous young man who has my sensitivity and Daddy’s silly sense of humour.


This morning we woke up to a new 9 year old boy in our house.  I took the opportunity to show you your baby photos again and the special journals that I wrote for you when I was pregnant and even in labour!

Remember when Daddy was eating Swiss Chalet and I called him to say I was about to have you?  The ladies at his office told him to “Put down the chicken and go get your wife!”

I loved telling you the story of how Uncle Gary totally nailed your due date (which was unexpectedly 2.5 weeks early) and when I introduced you to Nana and Poppa for the first time. 

Remember all those silly things you used to say?  I’m so happy I wrote those down for you- I wanted to capture all the amazing things that happened as we watched you grow up.

Hi Lady, do you have any candy or what?”
“I’m not grumpy, I have an attitude”
“Thank you God for giving me a Mommy and Daddy that I like”
“I’m frusterated”
Mommy, you are my best friend“….
then after not getting that toy at Walmart, you little manipulator….
I wish I had a best friend again (I wasn’t sure if I should be mad or laugh so hard at your guilt trip!).

You made us laugh and filled our family with such love and fun…then came your brothers.

When someone said how cute Jayden was, you replied;
If you think HE’S cute, you should see the other one“.
You were always such a proud big brother to both Jayden and Zack and they truly looked up to you. You always made Zackie feel so special, especially the times you told him that “God made you special and there is no one like you, Zackie“.

Daddy and I are so proud of the boy you are.  We are impressed everyday with the way you have the charisma to endear yourself to everyone you meet. You are surrounded by so many friends who adore you and look up to you.  Your love of reading is a great balance for your “video game awesomeness” and you truly blow us away with the science facts that you know.  You love cool clothes and stylish fedoras, and you have an EPIC personality that gives you swagger.  You are funny, sensitive and so self aware- even telling teachers that something distracts you and that you need to be moved!

You are Poppa’s best fisherman and workshop buddy, and you are Nana’s precious reader.
Tristan wants to be just like you and be a superstar video gamer!
Jayden just wants to spend time with you and be a good brother- I know it’s hard to see, but he really does want to be just like you!
While Uncle Junior and Auntie Karen give you killer hugs… it’s because you are so special to them and they love having sleep overs!

Daddy loves that you are and always will be his buddy and I love that we can sit and talk for hours about anything and everything. 

I also secretly know, that while sometimes it’s so totally UNcool to adore your mom….you still do.

Don’t forget…I love you, I love you more, love you most!
I’ll ALWAYS win our contest each night. xox Mommy

Happy Birthday, my amazing Ty!

1 Comment on Happy 9th Birthday Ty!

  1. Auntie Kath
    November 21, 2012 at 2:21 pm (11 years ago)

    Love this post and love Ty Guy even more! He is a sweet, sensitive, funny 9 year old and such an amazing friend. We adore him and his funky hair.
    Auntie Kath xo


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