November 2015 archive

Best Hockey Mom Memes

It’s fun to laugh at yourself right? Take a look at the ridiculousness of your life? \ Or at least that’s what people say. So, that’s exactly what happened the other day when I was looking for something on Pinterest (I know, addictive, right?) and actually doing some hockey holiday shopping (shocker!) and came across […] Read more…

To my son on his 12th birthday

To Ty, now that you are twelve,  I’ve just texted you a message and realized…holy crap are you getting old!  With each passing year, I find that the things I love most about you are becoming recognized by everyone around you. Your kind and gentle nature with younger kids, your ability to make everyone laugh […] Read more…

Easy Christmas Chocolate Pretzel Treats

I love this time of year when all the greatest yummy ideas are spreading around the internet!  My friend posted the recipe to these amazingly easy Christmas chocolate pretzel treats and made them in about 10 minutes, start to finish!  I’ve now made them for Easter and Valentine’s Day just switching up the coloured chocolate […] Read more…

Surviving Christmas After The Loss of a Loved One

Grief sucks everyday, but everything is so much harder at the holidays. Christmas music, the ornaments on the tree, holiday conversations, parties and even the toys stores. I should be shopping for 3 sons, not just two, but again this year, we will be celebrating without my Zack. As we approach another Christmas without Zack, I’m […] Read more…

A Hockey Mom’s Truth About Rep Hockey

Oy Vey…what have we done! The last few months have been a huge learning curve as we entered this hockey season as a new rep hockey family. We are incredibly proud of Jayden for wanting to try out with so many of his buddies and then making the Novice AE team for the Richmond Hill Stars! He […] Read more…