How your Big Kids can still have fun with Elf on the Shelf

Yesterday, after only two days with our new Elf on the Shelf, Buddy, my big kid, Ty, told me that he knew that it wasn’t real. Gulp. He knew that it was me who had been moving our “Buddy the Elf” around the house in funny positions each night. 

At first, I hid the disappointment that my latest attempt to find my Christmas spirit had been lost on my 11 year old son. I knew that Jayden, at age 7, would have far more fun with the Elf, but I actually thought that even Ty who still believes in Santa and the magic of the holidays, would go along with it for fun.  I was wrong…or was I?

Why did the fun have to end, JUST because he knew it had been me moving around our elf?  Couldn’t both kids still enjoy this new tradition in different ways?  Of course they could!  

Here are how our Big Kid is going to enjoy Elf of the Shelf this year;

Get your big kid to help move the Elf on a few nights:
Ty and I decided that HE could be a part of the fun antics that Buddy did each night leading up to Christmas! He started last night and loved being woken up out of bed for the elf-capades!

Ask your big kid to help you make it fun for the little ones:
Having our own little secret was really fun and we winked at each other this morning as Jayden found the toilet paper rolling down the stairs.  Ty went on and on about how crazy that Elf was and what a mess he had made…academy award winning performance!

Big kids can be in charge some nights:
Why can’t Paul and I be surprised too?  I’d LOVE to wake up and see where the Elf has landed.  We decided that on some nights, Ty would be the one to hide Buddy for our whole family!  He even downloaded the app for more ideas.

Big kids can still be surprised too:
Even though Ty now knows that our Elf isn’t magic, it doesn’t negate the fact that he still loves the surprises and fun! Sure Ty can help on a few nights, but on others, we will still find ways to make him laugh!

Here’s our Elf on the Shelf fun so far…..

December 1- Buddy’s first day

December 2- Buddy’s second day

 December 3- Buddy’s third day with my partner-in-Elf-crime, Ty

Is Elf on the Shelf a tradition in your house?  What’s your favorite silly position for him or her? Did you stop the Elf on the Shelf when your kids got older? 

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